Wednesday, May 18, 2005

5 shots of tequila...


At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and I was ready. The man in black had been laughing at me all day. I was just sitting there in the bar...talking to the dog in the funny hat and nursing a beer. The man in black would not shut up saying things like "there ain't no dog" and "what are you? Craz?"

So finally I started drinking the secert super power. After the fifth shot I was ready. I walked up to that man in black...that man who wasn't really there and I handed him a big chimichunga and said, "Fantabjabra helshinki!!" and than I walked out into the rain soaked neon lights of the big empty.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Heather said...

um...did you add tequila to your coffee this morning?


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