Friday, July 08, 2005

My head...


At 9:37 AM, Blogger Heather said... pounding. I only had two glasses of wine and I was asleep by 10:30, but I still awoke at 6:00 with a minor throbbing. Ugh...

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Phoenixwaller said...

is filled with fuzz

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is going to look dead sexy after I get it cut tonight. I'm getting my ends trimmed and putting in some bangs. Swoopy bangs even. I had them last summer but once I got pg my hair grew too quickly to keep them up.

Dave's also getting his mane sheared. Dude can grow some hair is all I'm saying.

Also: heh, Liar, well said. Or not said, as the case may be. ;)

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To avoid the inevitable comments, I'm getting my HAIR cut, not my HEAD. :p


At 10:43 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Hey, look Ness - my plan worked! Liar actually believes I'm all innocent and stuff...

...if only he was around back in the day, eh? :-)

I'm getting my hair done today, as precisely 20 minutes! If you didn't know, I went red and added some long layers - it's hot. The problem is, hot is what I wanted five years ago. Now I want conservative. I want "gracefully entering her thirties" or "sweet mother who obviously takes wonderful care of her children"...not "grab me by the back of the head and throw me on the bed"...

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Phoenixwaller said...

whoah liar, Hire a babysitter.

*whispers* then you don't have to contain yourself to one room.

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Man, I leave for two hours and all hades breaks loose! You know, this "Endings" gang gets a tad fiery by Friday.

And Liar, here's the deal. I spent the majority of my thirty years living by my looks. WANTING to get guys because I was hot. And what I'd end up with out of those beginnings were relationships based on nothing truly substantial. We'd have sex, we'd drink together so we didn't have to spend any time talking and realizing we have nothing of substance in common, and it would end.

Now I want men to initiate a conversation with me because they see me reading something that interests them, or they see me in a venue they, too, frequent, or my volunteering at the same hospital piques their interest. Those are the men, hopefully, who want to start with a friendship and share themselves with me. Who want to know who I am and what I like.

But even though the types of relationships I seek has changed, I'm noticing that the men who are interested in me has not changed much. A little, but not much. So I'm testing a theory here, that if I de-sexify my "look" I'll begin to pull from a different pool.


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Oh, so yeah, I'm not going to be with the current beau for much longer. I'm moving out. Religious + personal reasons. He's not 'the one'. I think moving out will end the relationshiop, but we'll see.

And as for geeks, thats EXACTLY what I want. Geeks are THE BEST. Not subserviant, though. A man, but a total geek. They're out there - all over the place, really. And that's what I want.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Heather said...

"...that thinks "three way" is a traffic intersection."


At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my husband is a total geek and he is ANYTHING but subservient. mild mannered by day maybe. but I'm a lady, so I won't dish about what goes on at night. ;)

And I love being a hot mama (and/or dead sexy) but it's not for attracting the attention of other men, it's solely for the benefit of me and my hubby. :)

At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

QOB--if a man says he likes you for your brains---he's a damn brain eating zombie.

Brain eating zombies are the secret palgue of the 21st one is willing to talk about it but they are every where. Mostly in office building starring idiotically at computer screens until night fall...and them they shamble outside in search of warm living flesh to devour...

At 8:59 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Man, that's disgusting...


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