Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My current dream involves...


  1. ...a farm, Italy, organic food, and lots of playing ("living")...

    ...for some reason, powerful people don't want you to dream, folks. DON'T LET THAT STOP YOU.

  2. Yes, yes...that *is* a dream, young Padawan. :-)

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    a new car, moving closer to our parents, and buying our own home. also getting pregnant agsin in another year or two. um, and finding time in there somewhere to finish my teacher certification.

    okay, my REAL current dream involves a castle in europe. :)

  4. Thank you, thank you...

    When I get to Europe, Ness, I'll build a castle on my property and you can live there, k?

  5. finishing up my engineering degree, then not having to use it because I'll be too busy writing.

    shorter term dream... getting the carpet at work dry.

  6. Phoenix, lol...yeah, I suppose my shorter-term dream would be to have all my 'to be filed' documents filed.

  7. Anonymous2:58 PM

    ...a big apartment in some great city. And hardwood floors.

  8. I have hardwood floors...

    ...oh wait, they're laminate, but they're B-E-A-UTIFUL!

  9. BTW, Janet, you're so cute! I know you come here with the best of intentions, you try and go through the beginnings you've missed, and you inevitably end up going one 'beginning' too far, wandering into a land of porn which you did not expect.

    It's all Liar's fault, really. I'm completely innocent in the whole deal.

  10. Further evidence supporting my marriage proposal...

  11. Rudicus, can you imagine some of your friends, some of the people you know, what they'd think if you married a Christian? (I think my typing hands have inadvertently been typing your name 'Rudicous'.)
